Commercial web page design is a specialised business.
Just because you have the best graphics and elaborate colour schemes which makes the site a work of art, will not necessarily sell your goods and services.
For starters, your customers may simply close down because of the exorbitant time taken to download graphic material, or the colour schemes chosen may be opulent and give a perception of high cost, or simply be too bright and diminish customer concentration.
Pharmacy web pages need a no nonsense approach with a minimum of graphics, utilising simple colour schemes, which give a clean cut professional image.
The site must load rapidly and must have clear and concise navigation.
The longer you can keep a customer in your site by this method, the more you will sell.
People surfing the web will also enter your site more readily because of the ease of entry.
They can come from any part of the world.
The written content of your web page needs to be clear and concise.
Try to avoid information overload.
Layout of the site also needs to be simple with all the elements in balance, providing a true composition enabling the picture to tell the story.

In summary, an effective web site must:

* Download quickly and efficiently. Large graphics equate to slow loading which equates to lost customers.

* Attract attention yet maintain design simplicity. The design should promote your business not the actual art work.

* Maintain customer interest. Information must be accessed simply, quickly and easily. Navigation must be precise, compact and user-friendly. Appearance must be compositionally balanced.

* Satisfy the customer as to the integrity of the organization and the suitability of the product offer, generating the customer confidence in your ability to deliver goods and services.

* Actually stimulate an order or request for information

As part of the total service, Computachem Services will code your site and check your domain name for registration.
Submission to the major search engines will also be undertaken.
The opportunity to promote your site will also be offered, to ensure maximum visibility.

Computachem Services has the ability to provide and coordinate any service associated with your web presence to ensure a seamless operation, fully integrated as a component of your general business.

The primary objective is to attract customers to your site, hold them within your site for as long as possible and then generate a sale i.e. introduce customers to products and services as quickly and efficiently as possible.
The sales objective is to gain an average cash sale in the online business, four times that of the "bricks and mortar" business. This is the type of statistic that Tesco Supermarkets in Britain achieve only after five years of web presence.
Project your own "bricks and mortar" business and calculate whether you can sustain an attack by your opposition, if you do not have an Internet pharmacy.

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